We have the trust and satisfaction of our clients that over the years we have earned by successfully implementing projects in different specialty areas. Transmitting in each one, our knowledge and support in a sustainable and reliable digital transformation.
The Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE)
Used Technologies:
Umbraco Bootstrap 4 Google Maps Microsoft Azure VueJSTool to streamline access to information for companies that export and import to the DR.
Used Technologies:
Umbraco Microsoft Azure VueJSPortal of the single window for direct attention to citizens.
Used Technologies:
Microsoft Azure ASP.NET Core SQL Server VueJS BuefyServer Migration to Azure
Used Technologies:
Microsoft AzurePortal that allows the client to communicate and access the services of the institution.
Used Technologies:
Microsoft Azure ASP.NET CoreThe Socials’ Subsidy Administrator (ADDESS) - Stay at Home "Quedate en casa"
Used Technologies:
Microsoft Azure Azure Front Door App Services PaaSSanto Domingo Motors (SDM): Cloud Migration (AMP)
Used Technologies:
Microsoft AzurePlatform that seeks to improve the efficiency of public institutions through streamlining processes, identifying and evaluating Dominican Republic regulations.
Used Technologies:
Umbraco Bootstrap 4 VueJS Microsoft Azure